General rules of the website. * Visitors (guests and registered users) must not spam through comments and cannot advertise their own or any other website through them. Comments that will contain spam (such as just a smiley posted, some gibberish or website advertising) will be removed and such further comments from one and the same person will be removed + the person will be IP banned from this website.
* Do not make any offensive comments or entries. Pointless arguing through comments is also not allowed. Constructive criticism and discussion, however, is.
* This website is in English so only English can be used when posting comments or making entries. Comments that will be in any other language but English will be removed and considered as spam.
* Do not make any entries that contain links to any hacking related websites or warez.
* Do not violate any copyrights of this website. Read this for more information.
Forum rules.
* Be polite to other users, help each other out if it's needed. Be respectful.
* Do not post any warez topics, pornographic content or links to hacking material.
* Speak only English on the forum.
* Off-topic discussion and spam is allowed only on "The Land Of Spam" (flooding, however, is not).
* Flaming, pointless arguing is not allowed.
* Do NOT ask any uCoz related questions on the forum. Any topics with such requests will be simply locked & trashed. Users who create such topics repeatedly will be blocked for an unknown amount of time.
* When posting outside "The Land Of Spam" board, stay on topic and don't spam.
* Don't act like an idiot, and you wont be treated as one. (one of our most important rules)
IRC Chat rules.
* Speak English.
* No trolling, swearing or insulting anyone is allowed.
* Do not impersonate people.
* Keep drama to PM's. In case if more than 2 people are involved, we have a special channel for drama, #nobodycares.
* Don't spam or flood.
* No bots without staff approval.
* If you spam somebody through PM, we can do nothing about it. Just remember that C405129 and MiFU (network operators) can take care about it.
* Everything you say on IRC can and will be used against you.